National University Preliminary to Masters admission application starts on May 14th

Masters Admission Eligibility 2024:

Applicant have to complete 2017/2021 three year Graduation (pass) and 2017/2021 graduation (honours), they are eligible for Masters Part-1 admission test. Applicant must have GPA 2.0 in SSC, HSC & Graduate and they have to 40% number in graduate (pass). Candidate who completed graduation in private exam, they are not eligible for Masters part-1 admission test (private). They must apply in online and they can choose three subject code and three college code. Admission application fee Tk. 3000/=

Masters 1st Year Admission Schedule 2024:

Masters Part-1 Admission Application start: 14/05/2024
NU Masters 1st Part Application last date : 30/05/2024
Application copy submit to college last date: 01/06/2024
Application fee Tk. 300/= deposit last date:

National University Masters 1st Part Admission Result 2024session 2021-2022:

Masters 1st part admission result will publish within March , 2024. Students can check admission result by mobile SMS or national university web portal. NU authority will publish 1st, 2nd and 3rd merit list. 
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